Monday, May 6, 2013

Working toward a mini Zombie Horde!!!

Alright It seems as though I have been a bit lazy with my entries lately, not searching as much shit out and grabbing what comes along first for the Random Zombie Bite!!! (well that is what it is....... Random!!! So that is okay) Anyway I have been hard at work on an animated short (You know original content for this site instead of just grabbing everyone else's cool shit and posting it without as much as a a smart ass remark to make it my own) Anyway the short, tentatively tittled A Zombies Point of View is making some progress, both in the writing stages and in the drawing. I am still working out a design for the characters (trust me we are not talking Disney here. Something very simple to both add a bunch of characters and animate as easy as possible. Think Boston Brewed an older series and full length movie by my co-creator and artist Jim Charette and myself. This time I am going at it alone so the drawing is just a means to tell the story (or my excuse why it will look as bad as stick figures telling you about the trails and tribulations of or main character). Anyway as I move along I will keep you updated and will try to put a little more effort into these blog posts. I mean don't expect a ton here, remember if you keep your expectations low you will never be disappointed.

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