Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Some Zombie Cartoon Friends You May Know!!!

Here are some Zombified Cartoon Characters you may know...
Homer we did a Whole post on earlier this month Movies (or TV) in a Zombie World and let's face it if you have watched the Simpsons from the start Homer has gotten less dumber over the years (not that it is a bad thing I still think the Simpsons rules!!! and Homer is funny as hell, what I am saying people it has improved alright?) Let us Move on...

Not so sure if this is FrankenMickey or a Zombie version either way he is walking dead, so either way if a kid see's him at night he is as Robin Williams said a "Six foot Fucking Rat!" in this case a Six Foot Fucking Zombie Rat!

Legend of Zelda would have been easier if Link was already dead and just slashing his way through the game!

Donald Duck is pissed off all the time alive. Now imagine him dead.

Just wanted to add this and say, Santa! Imagine this mother fucker falling down the chimney?

Superman as a Zombie? We are all fucked!!!

Flesh Eaters in Japanese animation? Just shoot me now!

Stewie can finally take over the world after he bites your face off! "Damn You fatman I am full now!"

And would Smurfs be called unsmurfy? Smurfies? Fuck it little flesh eating blue bastards sounds right!

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