Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Horror's best Females!!!

Through my many years watching Horror flicks there has always been “That Woman” in the movie whether she is the heroin, the victim running for her life screaming her head off but somehow surviving, or the monster herself, many  have stood the test of time. Here is a list of my Favorite Females in horror….

Milla Jovovich Resident Evil
She has kicked some serious ass through five of these films and looks pretty hot doing it.
Ali Larter (House on Haunted Hill, and Final Destination) Also in the Resident Evil Series

Also has appeared in a few of the Resident Evil sequels, but had some great horror film acting in both House On Haunted Hill and Final Destination

Tippi Hedren The Birds

Love The Birds and Love Tippi
Dee Wallece The Hills Have eyes, Cujo

Dee was great in The Hills Have Eyes But I will always remember her in Cujo 

Sigourney Weaver Aliens

Sigourney will always be remember as Ripley period (maybe Ghostbusters but always Aliens)

Danielle Harris (Halloween 4-5 Rob Zombies Halloween 1-2

Danielle Harris took over where Jamie Lee Left off and after a trip to the Silver Shamrock Halloween. She was a cute kid who could act, and became a very attractive adult who could still act and carry on the Halloween tradition (in a completely different role) in Rob Zombie's version

Linda Blair The Exorcist

Always thought this film was scary and after seeing the making of on the Blu-Ray version Linda Blair ranks right up there with the top actresses ever 
Janet Leigh Psycho

The original Scream Queen although Hitchcock or Norman kills her off within the first 30 minutes or so the shower scene will always be one of horror's most memorable ones.
Adrienne Barbeau The Fog, Swamp Thing

I mean come on if you were a teenage boy back when Swamp Thing came out...Oh the memories...But my favorite flick from Adrienne was The Fog

Jamie Lee Curtis Halloween

Jamie Lee was that girl next door in Halloween and if you watch her character develop through the other Three films Halloween 2, H20 and Resurrection, she also becomes an ass kicker, granted she meets her fate in Resurrection but she went out kicking, and was a long way from that teenage babysitter in Halloween ...


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