Friday, July 5, 2013

Survival Advice in Pictures Dug Up From The Net!!!

Okay the first thing we always have to remember..
For the most part once you get bit you are fucked! But if you do get bit you may be able to survive by following this simple procedure...

A little sloppy but hey you can go all Evil Dead Ash and attach a chainsaw.

You do want to plan ahead and a survival kit is a good idea. You have many options and we have and will continue to give you info on those options but below are some great ideas...

The basics are above but we all know to get through the hordes of Zombies in your way you will need weapons. This is a good start.

But if you can only have one weapon, this little number will probably clear your path like a plow. (Please note, this gun is also good in case of Ninja, Nazi or demon attacks)

And when traveling with anyone, even if you have mother fucking MacGyver with you, small or large groups always tend to have a complete fucking moron tagging along and...

Sorry McGyver finally something you can't fix with the magical Duct Tape!! Although if you can make us a please go the fuck away Zombies bomb out of the duct tape and a few milk cartons we would appreciate it.

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