Thursday, January 10, 2013

Practice makes perfect

Well as of now the zombie riots are not knocking down your door, but don't get lazy, you need to practice your DOUBLE TAP! And Zombie Industries has just the target for you. (and if you know me it is perfect even if the Zombie Hordes are not scratching at my window top eat my brains. I fucking Hate clowns) And when you tag this mother fucker with a bullet (or ten) he bleeds!!!!
Bobo the Bleeding Clown Zombie
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    Life-Sized Tactical Mannequin Target
    “Bleeds” When Shot!!!

    Bobo the miserly Clown was always on a budget, always looking to save a buck on his costumes, so this cheap-skate went searching in the old paint factory dumpsters… He found some old moldy tubes of what he thought was face paint deep in the dumpster, he couldn’t wait to get them home and try them out.  When he opened them up, they had a vile odor, but he figured for free he’d make due.  Upon painting his face and arms, he noticed an intense burning sensation as if his skin was on fire.  These paints were loaded with Zomaldehyde, an industrial strength form of formaldehyde used to stabilize toxic chemicals.  When mixed with the lead base of the paint, it made for a more than lethal chemical pigment, which went right into his blood stream and rendered him brain dead within seconds.  With such large amounts of Zomaldehyde in his system to preserved his flesh… Bobo was now a moaning Undead Clown searching for his next unhappy victim

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