Alright So my buddy Jim Charette can make you into a Zombie without the nasty biting and infection. I know I have posted stuff by Jim Before telling you he can make you a Zombie, but I post stuff from people I don't know all the time, so to help out a friend, well It is my blog and I can do that. Plus come on he paints some cool pictures. To see more of his work you can go to his facebook page The Art Of Jim Charette
Anyway below are a couple I picked off his page to highlight
For you Skaters out there, how is this for original?
And also even though this painting is not a Zombie, I wanted to include it because I thought is was pretty kick ass. Jim was commisioned to do this Painting and it is not complete, but I wanted to share....
it's the native american version of the vampyre-a jumlin
Here is an explanation of the painting "it's based on a native American myth of vampyres-the original was called jumlin and he was a demon who found someone to bring him into this world with promises of a better life and when he got here he took over his body and started raping and cannibalizing everyone he wanted to-cool right?!"
Very Cool Indeed!!!!
Want to see some more paintings and art by Jim Charette?
Or Info on how he can make you and your loved ones part of the undead Hordes (at least Visually)